Infrastructure- Lana Vjestica

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The basic definition of Infrastructure is having a foundation to support the function of a system. For example, wifi. In order for us to use our computers or phones, we need to be connected to the wifi. Everything we do involving technology is surrounded by wifi and we need it in order to get anything done. If we didn’t have wifi for our computers at school then it would make it very difficult to do work. We could go back to paper and pencil but most classes (like this one) are built on being hands on with technology. Another example of this would be the Dean(s) or presidents of a University. Without them a lot of things wouldn’t be done and it wouldn’t functional normally. They are the foundation to the school and play a huge role to make sure everything is going smoothly. These people are also in charge of the professors to make sure that they’re doing their job. They are the primary infrastructure of the whole school.

1 thought on “Infrastructure- Lana Vjestica

  1. Alvin Mugarura

    I have a similar example in my post about the infrastructure of the University and I like how you explored the relation between the invisible components like Wi-Fi and the real individuals like the staff members that all play a role in the foundation of the University and keep it going. You also touched upon something very interesting in your last sentence about the Deans being the primary infrastructure which rises the question of whether there can be a hierarchy in an infrastructure or if all components are considered as critical contributors because of the inter-dependence to make the system work.

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