Feedback on Identity Posts

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"I Yam what I Yam" on the chalkboardThanks for once again tackling your Identity response posts with integrity and thoroughness, and for engaging in what I found to be engaging and intriguing conversations as you posted reply comments on others’ posts. As you continue posting your responses to these keywords, and continue adding reply comments to others’ posts, remember to focus on providing clear, specific, and illustrative examples. Lack of specific examples results in broad claims without adequate substantiating evidence. Our goal in these responses is to both demonstrate understanding of the keyword topic and to provide specific illustrations of how you see the keyword at work — as a critical lens, as a reality, as a personal experience, as a generational experience — in society.

For example, instead of noting that Tik Tok influencers have an impact on fashion, offer a specific example of a Tik Tok influencer posting something that immediate, or gradually, changes individual or collective fashion senses. Or link to an example. You’re welcome to embed media, especially posts and video: you can generally capture “Embed” code from the source (like YouTube), copy that code, and paste it into your post. The key is selecting the Text tab at the top of the post, which opens a kind of WordPress code editor, and pasting the embed code in that view. You can return to the Visual tab to continue editing your post. When you publish, you should see the embed appearing in your post as expected. If not, you can also try it and ask for help if it doesn’t work. Follow directions in “Method 3: Using Embed Code to Embed TikTok Video” on this page to try it. Or following the instructions in this YouTube video, which I embedded using the YouTube embed code.

When you post, don’t forget to select the correct category. For keyword responses, use the keyword name as the primary category. You can add the general “keyword” category, too, but the site is built around the specific keyword name. And when you select a category, be sure to unselect the “Uncategorized” category, which is selected by default. I’ve gone through all posts to date and removed the “Uncategorized” category wherever I found it. You can see if your post appears with the “Uncategorized” category using the Uncategorized category page (which, as expected, is currently empty).

Keep up the good work. And when you have a compelling example, feel free to bring it up during class. I’d love to take a look at examples to generate a meaningful discussion about the way media, culture, and identity all work to shape each other.

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