New Media: Grace Brogan

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As the text points out the concept of new media is unique in its ever changing nature and exists constantly in both directions in regards to time. I think that in this current age the first “new media” to come to mind is social media. However, despite the fact that I think many people would still consider it to be new media, it also exists in this unique old and new space in time simultaneously. By this I mean some forms of the “new media” of social media can already feel quite old to us, as is a given considering the fast paced nature of life on the internet. For example the once very new and popular Facebook has mostly fallen out of fashion, with younger crowds preferring Instagram or Snapchat. Even with these two platforms as the new “new media” regarding social media, they are both approaching a decade in age and vary greatly from their original forms. With constant updates it is possible for these platforms to hold the unique space of both old and new as described in the text. Although the concept of social media as we now know it and it’s corresponding platforms are getting older, frequent updates allow for social media to maintain its current status as new media.


2 thoughts on “New Media: Grace Brogan

  1. Daniel Hocutt

    I love the link. Be sure to provide some context or information when including a link, so we understand the relationship of the linked material to the points you’re making in the post.

  2. Benjamin Cudmore

    While watching the movie “the Social Network,” one can really grasp how revolutionary and popular Facebook once was. Though there has been a shift from “new” to “old” when we think about Facebook, it is only one year older than us. In only 17 years, a new media platform is no longer categorized as one. However, when the Instagram app is loading, the screen says “from Facebook” under its logo. Instagram, in truth, is just an adaptation of Facebook. The app itself is the perfect example of New Media as Facebook created a whole new social media outlet to accommodate its “new” users. Furthermore, I found the link you added to be very interesting because I discussed the change of the app’s logo from a detailed design of an old camera to a simplistic, modernized version in a previous comment.

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