Nov. 11th

Today was a little different than the rest of the sessions. The star actress herself aka Sheryl was not there. So considering she’s about 75% of our act we had to make due without her parts. We actually all just played at least 2 roles and it worked out great. John who has only attended once let us know he may not be there for the performance, but we told him it won’t be a problem as we have many actors willing to take on another role! We worked on a little bit of staging where the audience will be and where people will die and when they get up and go off stage. All that type of stuff! It worked out well even though Thisbee would be dead then be Puck right after haha

Also, we worked on where the moon should stand as well with the wall. When actors should approach the wall and which side they should stand on. But don’t worry Sheryl will be back in action next week and we can continue our further development.