JSP – Week 1

I’m in Group 5 and we are working with four fifth-graders that each had different levels of interest in the project. Our interaction started with the students from Stage and Screen introducing themselves and sharing a fun fact. Then our students introduced themselves and then we watched a summary video of Much Ado About Nothing. Some of them were confused, but one student seemed to grasp the content very well.

In the end, we decided to break Act IV up by scenes. 2 students are focusing on scene 1 and 4. The remaining two students are working on scene 2 and 3 individually. We quickly realized they weren’t too interested in making illustrations, so we may be moving forward with recording videos of action figures or legos. Another suggestion they gave was to incorporate music. Hopefully we can build off of these ideas and get them excited to be retelling Shakespeare.

One challenge I see us working to overcome is that all four students are one classroom. This will make checking in on the progress of the individual scenes more difficult, but I’m still excited to see how this goes!