JSP Week 1

The first meeting with HEF this week was a nice introduction to the kids we will be working with and gave us a better sense of how to move forward with the project. We started by introducing ourselves and having the four kids introduce themselves. Some seemed more quiet and uninterested than others, so we definitely need to come up with more ways to keep them engaged and excited about the project. We then showed them a video explaining the plot of Much Ado About Nothing and answered any questions they had about it to help them better understand what the original play is about. We finished by explaining that we will be recreating Act V in a high school setting. The kids overall seemed a little confused about the project, but I think with more meetings and discussions they will start to understand more. The four students decided to divide the four scenes in the act with one working on Scene 2, one working on Scene 3, and two working on Scenes 1 and 4 together. The teacher was able to help facilitate some discussion and attempted to keep them engaged and listening to us but it was a little difficult to gauge their interest virtually. Some ideas we came up with to try to make them more excited about the project were the possibilities of incorporating music, Legos, or other figurines in the adaptation. In the future it would probably benefit us to have a better laid out plan to keep them engaged, but overall it was a good introduction!