Week 2

We met a few new faces this week! We began this week by reviewing the project details and major plot points. We learned that they want to do this is stop motion using Legos. They seemed to know of a few different apps to use to do this stop motion. Last week we got a lot of feedback from the students in regards to our adaptations around the plot points. We took all the thoughts and made some compromises to make sure all voices were heard. The bulk of our conversation consisted around the characters, their names and who they were at high school. Once again we had a lot of feedback, many of which conflicted with one another so our group has some final decisions to make! Once again I was pleased with the engagement of the students and they are respectful of one another and we don’t have too many moments when they are talking over one another. I think we have a great start and have a lot of information going into next week when we will dive into filming and creating the images.