Category Archives: Uncategorized

Cycles: Bidding My Reflection Spot Farewell

Somehow I timed this so that my first blog was in the morning, my second was in the afternoon, and now it is evening at the University Garden. It’s a warm enough day that it feels like early fall, but … Continue reading

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A Final Reflection

When I sat in the Gazebo for one final reflection, I was struck by how many people were still using the lake path, even though it was a bitterly cold day. It was definitely a smaller number than on previous … Continue reading

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In my own little corner, on my own little rock ♫

It’s been another 4 weeks since I had been to my reflection spot and it has changed even more since then. I’ve been to Pony Pasture a handful of times for other reasons than reflecting for my blog posts. But … Continue reading

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My view from the my reflection spot has not changed much since the last time I visited it, but my point of view about the people surrounding this urban watershed has been altered. The first time I reflected about Little … Continue reading

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Reflection Spot 3

My reflection this time is heavily influenced by the events that have taken place at Pony Pasture in the last couple of weeks. I refer to cleaning the river and our meeting with Ralph White. Both of them showed me … Continue reading

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Community Service Reflection

This past weekend I participated in my second session of community service for Earth Lodge this semester.  While it was nice to help out at the William Byrd Community House and I felt that my work was truly appreciated, I … Continue reading

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Reflecting on Raking

I have to say, when I arrived at the William Byrd Community House on Saturday, I was very surprised. I thought that we would be working on a much more farm-centric facility, instead it was much more focused on feeding … Continue reading

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This land is your land, this land is our land (even if I don’t know you)

You must love nature before you want to protect it. You must be connected to an area before you’re willing to save it. Small groups and passionate individuals are the ones that make the most impactful, lasting change. These are … Continue reading

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Doing My Part

All anyone sees on the news is how humanity is destroying the environment. Carbon emissions are rising, we’ve depleted Earth’s natural resources and the always present problem of climate change becomes more and more of a reality. In fact, most … Continue reading

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Service is more than self

I would never consider myself as someone who is oriented in service. I don’t do service projects that often, most times they are required for something else or part of an itinerary I don’t have control over. Part of it … Continue reading

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