Category Archives: Uncategorized

Getting To Know You: James River Remix

This weekend Chris, Garrett, Heather and I took care of our volunteer hours at the James River Splash and Dash. I got to stand next to a creek and show runners where to run too. Most of them were rather … Continue reading

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Integration of Nature

Reflections on James River Parks system   Before last Saturday, I had never been to Belle Isle or Brown’s Island. Though I never really even reached Belle Isle, only walking out halfway on the bridge, I was left with a … Continue reading

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James River Park System

It is only the start of the fifth week of classes, and already I’ve become aware of so many new areas close to school that I never would have thought to explore.  One of the major reasons I came to … Continue reading

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James River: Hidden Serenity

I feel lucky because even though it’s only the first semester of my sophomore year I have gone to James River park system many times.  I know that at University Richmond there many people here  who go their entire four … Continue reading

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Back to the Beginning

One of my first experiences as a student at the University of Richmond was my Roadmap trip to Belle Isle. The bus pulled up to the American Civil War Center at Tredegar where iron products used to be made, and I … Continue reading

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Splash ‘n’ Dash ‘n’ Laze

I had never spent much time off campus until Earth Lodge took me on field trips and volunteer outings on the James. This past weekend I spent most of my Sunday as a course marshall at the annual Splash ‘n’ … Continue reading

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James River Park System

Last year, I rarely went to the river. It was not until the fall that I finally made my way down to Pony Pasture. I was amazed to see the number of people floating down the river, kayaking, and just … Continue reading

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James River Parks and Recreation

Our guest speaker in class on Wednesday, Ikal Angelei, asked us, “What is your focus area?” We answered with a chorus of mumbling which led to the consensus that our main focus included the University of Richmond and the Richmond … Continue reading

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Week 4 Blog

This weekend was pretty different for me because I got to see the James River and the city of Richmond in a way I had never seen before. My freshman year, I went into the city just one time for … Continue reading

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To Go Out and Be

Just next to William Byrd Park lies the Maymont gardens.  In a place as busy at Byrd, which just this weekend held a JDRF Walk to Cure Type 1 Diabetes, I found it astounding how few people had ever truly explored Maymont. … Continue reading

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