Belle Isle

I knew at the very first mention of a “reflection spot” exactly where my spot would be: Belle Isle.  Former Earth Lodger Anne Coglianese and her co-leader, Emma Thomson, first introduced the place to me last fall through a trip with our living-learning community, Westhampton College Outdoor Adventure.  On our little excursion, we hiked through the woods on a path that took us to building ruins on a less-visited portion of the island.  We clambered onto the rocks, which, on this side, take up more space than the water does, and we snacked on cookies.  We gossiped and took in the scenery, all agreeing that it was nice to get away from the University for a little while.

However, this is not the exact place I chose to be my reflection spot.  While I know our reflection spots are supposed to be quiet and tranquil places, something I have learned about myself over time is that I do my best thinking while alone in the presence of others.  Because of this, I chose the more populated area on Belle Isle.   I walked over the bridge, veered right along with the path once on the island, and followed the path past an inland body of water and to a smaller area on the rocks that is a little more isolated.  It’s not part of the long stretch of rocks that people frequent most often, but down the path a little further so not as many people head there, but it’s still populated enough for the likes of my reflective intentions.

I plopped myself down on a rock and took in my surroundings.  I sat on a large rock at the waters edge, my toes in the cool water, and all around me children were swimming in the water, a black lab puppy struggled through some grass only slightly taller than it was as its owner snapped priceless pictures, and kayakers headed through the rapids in small white-water kayaks, pure enjoyment on their faces mixing with the bright sunlight.  I love Belle Isle for the fact that every time you go, you see different types of people all headed into the “wilderness” for the same reason: to escape for a bit.

The one most significant image that stands out in my mind the most, though, is not actually from my reflection spot, but from the journey back over the bridge and to my car.  The image is that of crossing back into “civilization,” and perhaps one of the best depictions of just how Richmond is built on the James River.

I’ve now seen Belle Isle in the early fall, before the leaves change, and during the summertime.  The prospect of visiting again multiple times throughout the year excites me because I will get to see the island go full circle through all of the seasons.

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Reflections of the Water

I am nestled in a little spot between two conjoined trees, like they were saving the seat just for me. I am invisible here; the passing people keep their eyes ahead, taking no notice of me. I am both a part of, and removed from society. The water is shallow and clear here, safe from green bikes, wild college students, and overabundant fowl.

During this breezy exit of summer, the marker across from me reads that the water level is at about 17.50. The unit, however, escapes my understanding; Little Westham appears only about ten inches deep. Leaves have begun to litter the water, though they linger along rocks or traps in the creek flow. They appear in shades of brown or green, with a few spots of yellow. They have yet to assume the bright variety of fall.

Fortunately for the world, though perhaps unfortunately for me, I am surrounded by life. Moss grows to my side and at my feet. Weeds brush against the back of my arm, leaving me with an unsettled feeling. Somewhere below my legs a spider has disappeared. I think I may have sat on an anthill. I cannot see through the bright green of the trees, only to snippets of the road beside and behind me. A man walking past takes no notice of me, but his dog does.

Ants navigate deep roots like mazes beside me. Centipedes, however, forge their own path. As they march away they are constantly replenished by their brothers and cousins. Just like the water before me, they hardly seem to move while going great distances, always coming though you do not see the source. One day, you think, all the water will have flowed through. All the bugs will have marched past. The stream will dry up. But it never happens; nature is not transient like us.

Next to me, flowing waters have been caught by man-made stone boundaries. But the Earth has reclaimed these pools, populating them with water skaters and tiny striped fish. They always seem to be searching. Food, I suppose, but they’ll never stop the quest no matter how much they find. I wonder what they eat.

Nature seems to assume and endless character here. The creek flows in, the creek flows out. The bugs keep marching past. I know the bright green leaves will turn sickly shades of sunset, die, fall, and regrow next spring. Dead leaves decompose on the soil or water, returning what they borrowed to the land. The giant rock to my left will become smooth with the gentle touch of the water, but it will never move. And the fish keep searching for food.

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Nature is at Home

Seeing as our class toured the upper and lower parts of our campus to observe our water sources and outlets, it made sense that my reflection spot go one step further.  There is a small path carved out through the middle of tangled trees behind a shopping center. I take the path down and take in my surroundings.

Before I can even sit, a thundering splash 20ft downstream signals I am not alone here. Under the murky, silt-filled water, there is no telling what is with me. There are also signs that other people come to this spot — litter scattered here and there is evidence of this (non-point sources of pollution!). The large amount of foliage gives me shade and cools the air underneath its canopy. A distant rush of cars can be heard, which constantly reminds me that I am only a short way off from a busy road.

I cannot be totally comfortable in my “reflection” spot. This was a deliberate choice and it is one that William Cronon, who wrote “The Trouble with Wilderness; or, Getting Back to the Wrong Nature,” would agree with.  Cronon observes that urbanized people characterize nature as a far-off place that is disconnected from their daily lives. These people escape their urban lives for sublime “natural” landscapes, and forsake the environments near their homes and places of work because they are “tainted.” Cronon wants people to stop separating where they live from the picturesque areas where they vacation because that train of thought prevents people from helping the environment in their own backyard.

My reflection spot is an urbanized, non-idyllic, yet natural setting. This place is one that I can positively change after observing it through the year. Here, a human can make “home” even more “natural.”

Side note: I am saving my pictures until the final reflection post so they can be presented side-by-side.

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The Lesson of the Geese

Staring across the lake, I notice how everything moves.  The geese float serenely across the surface of the otherwise glassy surface of the water.  The students and faculty hurry to their next class or meeting.  The leaves on the trees bristle at a weak gust of wind.  And the cars speed by, desperate to reach their destination as soon as possible.  The geese are the only beings capable of independent movement not rushing somewhere.  They float, the turn, float some more, occasionally they’ll dive in for a hopeful bite, but for all intents and purposes, they are just hanging our enjoying the sun.

The geese have a daily list of things they must do, just like you and me.  However, the concept of time, of when each task must be accomplished, means nothing to them.  If one wishes to cross the lake, they do, at whatever pace they wish.  Whether they arrive at 10:29 or 10:32 makes no difference, but that mere 180 seconds can make a huge difference in our lives.

Some professors will lock a student out if they are even 60 seconds late.  Every day, cars drive absurd speeds above the speed limit in an attempt to shave off just a couple minutes, if that, in the long run.  Even what one can order at a restaurant could be altered by a 2 minute delay in transportation.  We even feel the need to apologize for being five minutes late to a pre-planned meeting, under the belief that we have wasted someone’s time.  Humans value punctuality so greatly, we allow it to dictate every aspect of our lives.  It is only when we escape “society” and find some free time, that we can see how trivial 60 seconds is.  How little it matters whether one arrives at 10:29 or 10:30.

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Where to begin…

I don’t like to look at a space when I’m meant to be thinking in or about it, it’s too distracting, the space begs you to day dream or wander off to other pressing matters. So I always close my eyes and listen. I try and hear the space and all of the little sounds, turning off each sound one by one in my head to try and hear the softer notes hidden below.

Soft raindrops falling from leaf to leaf to finally take the plunge to the earth.

Gentle lapping of the lake at the shore line, not strong enough to move a pebble.

Choirs of bugs all singing in an elevated harmony of white noise.

Sharp cracks and scuffs of people walking by.

I sat and stared into obsidian, let myself be consumed by the natural and man-made world around me and embrace it with open arms for my space have given me the chance to live it’s change, not simply watch it. Once you can hear a space for everything in it you can open up your other senses. That cold stone bench beneath me became a dais with which I could envision where every drop of water came and was going but most importantly where they were at this very moment. This moment was special, because it would never happen again; it was a one-time event, which existed in a just a few short minutes. Leaves of green and brown on the ground, Virginia red dirt peaking though tufts of grass and plant litter, two tall oaks transplanted from their original homes to here, an obsidian lake which shone as still as glass but reflected the energy and movement of everything around it. While the moment may be over and remembered with a lover’s longing I can’t help but know that when I return again the space will open up and share a new moment, at a new point in time, having grown with us all, and tell me more. And for that, I am grateful.

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A Gem on the James River In Our Own Backyard

My first thought as I arrived to Pony Pasture for my first visit was “Why haven’t I been here before?!”. Just a 4 mile drive from campus along a beautiful road that follows the James River is a turnoff to a common swimming area on the James called Pony Pasture Rapids.

Pony Pasture Rapids

I spent a good part of this past summer in Richmond and somehow never made my way to this part of the river. This is mainly why I chose this as my reflection spot and I’m glad I did because it’s become one of my favorite parts of the river.

I walked a short ways down the path to a spot on the rocks away from other people. I sat down and just observed for a while. I took in the light breeze coming off the water, the feeling of a late summer evening, the sound of geese swimming on the opposite side of the river…

From the banks of the river

This part of the James River is located just upstream of the city of Richmond. Its southern banks are lined with large boulders that lead into the sandy-bottomed, shallow swimming area. Many types of riparian tree species grow between the rocks like River Birch, Sweet Gum, and Black Willow. A few tiny clam shells are scattered along the bottom of the river. A dragonfly dances around my hands as I take notes in my field journal. Across the river is William’s Island, an uninhabited 100-acre area that can be reached by swimming or paddling across the river.

A view of William’s Island from the opposite bank

Captain Christopher Newport may have passed through this area on foot in 1608 as he led an expedition in search of gold. This area was part of the land the colonists claimed for their king. Today, it’s a popular spot for kayaking, swimming, painting, and general recreation. The road leading to Pony Pasture is accessible by walking, running, and biking and the Class II rapids offer a great spot to launch kayaks, canoes, and floating tubes.

For me, this spot offered a nice way to get away from the campus and school work for a bit. I drove to Pony Pasture for this first visit, but I will definitely be biking here on a lazy Sunday afternoon in the near future.

Driving along Riverside Drive (James River to the right)

For more information about the park, I encourage you to visit:

All pictures were taken by the author and information about the park was taken from the above website and signs posted by the James River Park System.

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Reflection #1

For a supposedly peaceful island, it sure is noisy here.

Gazebo Island has many visitors, each contributing their own sights and sounds to the landscape. Runners’ feet thump against the wood of the bridges; children and their parents chatter in the gazebo; geese and ducks squabble over the bread crumbs tossed to entice them closer; a lone, ever-patient boy swings his lure into the lake with a plop, although I can’t imagine many fish will be near to take the bait.

Then there are the multitudes of color, from light green to dark green; yellow bursting through the gaps in leaves; the reddish brown of the pine needles. And perhaps the most disheartening color I’ve seen in a while; the murky green-brown of the lake itself. From the far side of the lake it appears as if a giant had made a mirror for the sky, but up close there is a far different tale to be told. Filled with waste matter from runoff, goose poop, and algae, the lake is not a pleasant sight up close. How much of anything can live in such slow-moving and turgid water has always surprised me. Yet, life goes on for the lake residents; sliders slide, geese attack the innocent, and the occasional fish bubble meanders to the surface. Now that is a small miracle.

Humans have always considered ourselves the great adapters of the world, but perhaps a better word would be conquerors. In Western culture, at least, we don’t change our habits to each new place we encounter, instead we change the place to suit our habits. In contrast stand the species that managed to survive our more or less hostile take over. The most famous, or infamous, may be the raccoon; rummaging through garbage with ease and terrifying cats galore. But the ones who have likely encountered some of the hardest going have been the water creatures. In almost every metropolitan area there is a polluted river; beyond drinking and general cleanliness standards, interrupted by dams up and down and ripped of riparian zones. But not a single one is unoccupied. Herons still fish, frogs still croak and fish still swim. And that small miracle of adaption is demonstrated in a small scale by Westhampton Lake. It’s easy to see and hear, if you look in the right direction.

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Starring out onto the water, I saw ducks, fish,turtles and a handful of geese. I took a moment to think of life through their eyes. Have you ever wondered what they think of us? Do they know we created the lake that is their home? Are they bothered by the pier or the gazebo or the noises we create through living around the lake? After thinking about life from their perspective, I had a whole new view of the lake. I looked around and it was hard to find something that was not built by man. I saw benches, the bridges, the pathways, the parking lots, the cars, the trash cans and so much more.  These thoughts led me to realize how the nature around the lake truly is incredible.

The trees around the lake are able to work together even though so many of their relatives were chopped down and destroyed in the process of creating our school.  They have created a system together that acts as a buffer between impervious surfaces and the lake. They are able to filter out some of the nutrients and sediment before they hit the water. Grasses around the lake especially near the road are crucial to the ecosystem as well. They add to the diversity of the system and have created an environment for other organisms to live in. This system has created itself around a body of water that was a product of humans.

Humans have always been linked to the environment. We have molded a creation that is both incredible and horrifying all at the same time. We altered the natural flow of the little creek. Next time you walk by the lake, think about what it might have looked like 100s of years ago. What do you think the vegetation and animal life in the area looked like? This question was on my mind the entire time I starred at the lake.

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Week 2: Reflection – Sometimes You Have to Stop and Look

Sunday, September 8, 2013; 11:00PM

It’s awfully quiet here. Well, not quiet, but peaceful. The sounds of the insects prevent me from saying otherwise. But as I sit here, alone, surrounded by what many would call nature, I cannot help but notice the things that aren’t: the stone steps, the lights, the gazebo. Even more than that: the cars that drive by on the road on either side of me, the airplane overhead, even the lake right in front of me…

Yet what is running through my mind is that what I am starring at – the reflection of the Commons in the water – is often described as one of the most beautiful sites on campus. But it is not natural beauty. None of it is really. Man has touched everything. Even the most “natural” thing on campus – the lake. And when I try to think of other natural beauties that I’ve seen, I am beginning to question even their naturalness.

This summer, I hiked up Old Rag. But now that I think about it, that 9 mile trail was made way back when with the rise of the National Park Program. And while the mountain itself still existed beforehand, the trailblazers remind you that man has since been here and has shaped it for future generations.

Even further still (while I have never been there), we have Yosemite. Currently the park is being ravaged and threatened by forest fires. Yet it is also being threatened in another way – by humans. I recently read an article discussing that Yosemite was planning to cut back on human activity because of the heavy impact that human presence due to tourism has had on the park. The plan would be to encourage the restoration of over 200 acres of meadows, reorganizing transportation, and reducing traffic flow. (For more info, read

This brings me to my next point. Where has man not been? He has practically explored every inch of this Earth. The ocean is the only thing I can think of that has yet to be explored. The question now progress to, should we? How much human activity is too much? Are we destroying or creating beauty with our presence in certain natural settings?   Does our presence mean that natural beauty cannot exist? Or can the two co-exist? Where then can we look for this beauty?

Over the summer, I developed a new hobby called urb-exing. It is where one goes into an area and explores the remains of urbanization. This can take the form of factories, public pools, train stations, etc. – as long as they’re abandoned. One of the reasons, aside from the adrenaline rush that I get, that I had such a strong affinity for it, was that it was a wonderful exhibition of the power and sheer determination of Mother Nature. It was beyond amazing to see what exactly nature could reclaim. Even the smallest of shrubs peeking out from the concrete floor signified a victory, a promise, a reminder of sorts that Mother Nature is always here and will always be here in one way or another.

Sometimes you just have to stop and look.

So now, I sit here and really try to look and listen. I begin to notice the little things.

The pinecones that scatter the area, a promise of life to come, protected in a case for safekeeping.

The fish that jumped in the distance, landing with a splash, presumably eating it’s midnight munchies.

 The raindrops that are falling from the sky, once a part of some other far off body of water; now a part of our own little Westhampton Lake watershed.

Sometimes you just have to stop and look.


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Duck, Duck, Goose, Cicada (Reflection #1)

In the center of everything is a man-made bench inscribed with the words “Gift of Robert J and Bettina S Lumpkin” which is firmly attached to a slab constructed of brick. On top of the bench is me, who is facing the lake.

The time is 5:00 o’clock PM. The trees across from me cast shadows onto the lake, covering less than half of the surface. In the shadow of the trees are ducks, there are more ducks than I’ve ever seen on the Westhampton Lake. They float across the rippling water in harmony with the geese.

Cicadas boast their presence with constant buzzing.

Directly in front of my feet is 3 yards of sand. I see small unimposing, hardly noticeable blades of grass and two short trees flanking me. The height of the trees are unimpressive, they look sturdy but not invasive, and a few thin roots breach the soil. Their branches reach out into the lake, they do not droop but instead stretch firmly out into the sunshine giving as much opportunity as they can for their small leaves to catch sunlight. Their leaves are wimpy and small, a few of them have already given into the new season and begun to change to shades of orange and yellow. Their existence silently beside the bench creates an immobile company of three.

The bank dividing the sand and the lake is created by small jagged rocks about the size of my head or the size an incredibly handsome bowling ball. On top of the rocks are ducks, geese, and dragonflies. Most of the flock look for residence on the shady parts of the lake but in front of me the shade ends at the bank, so there are few ducks in front of me. The sunlight flashes off of the blue exoskeleton of numerous dragonflies and the gentle ripples disturbing the water. The full exposure to sunlight exposes none of the contents of the lake, the water is brown and murky. I can only see a few small fish dart between the rocks next to the bank.

Where the water meets land across the lake looks similar to where I am sitting. The trees droop downwards as though they are falling into the lake. None of the trees I see grow straight upwards, they grow informally at different angles. My eyes continue upwards until I see a walking path. Above the walking path is a thick growth of trees and shrubbery. Trees on the East Coast grow thin but strong, the resulting forests are crowded and dense. The trees are green and full of life.

The cicadas have been replaced by crickets.

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