Little Things

Not making the same mistake as last time, I have chosen a spot on the opposite side of my tree from before, so as to be more blocked from view from the road. We’ll see if I’m successful.
Maybe it’s the new perspective, or the extra week I waited to do my blog, but there seems to be a lot of changes here. Perhaps I am simply used to looking. Unlike the past few days, it is mild enough so that I am sitting now without a jacket.
Looking around, I can tell the effect the cold air has had on the surroundings. I must look carefully before I see any bugs or insects around me. While I bundle up in the cold weather, the trees around me have taken off most of their leafy clothing. The leaves are littered everywhere, so much that I had to pick a different path to my “ditch,” fearing I’d slide down the leaves. The leaves make Little Westham look brown, covering the bottom and floating stagnant atop the water, completely motionless. It looks very strange to me, as the water seems to rush over the little falls more than ever. I wonder again how it can all just keep coming. The water level never drops; it seems a striking contrast watching a bathtub drain. The leaves directly in front of me circle and spin, but never really move. Only nudged by the moving water from the falls, just the outermost leaves seem to make any progress; but when I look again I see the whole thing really has moved. The changes are just too tiny to notice.
I hear no birds chirping, but the sound of the water seems louder. From this angle I can see the side of the concrete wall Little Westham tumbles over. The dark color and abundant green growth show that the water level has dropped on the lake. I recall noticing this at the start of fall, but I was the lone one among my (non-Earth Lodge) friends. You can tell who’s paying attention.

My lovely ditch.

Sitting out here, my eyes go in and out of focus as I stare at the edge of the pool, my mind far downstream. I notice ripples on the water, running through every so often. Is it the cars on the bridge above? The wind they create? It’s the little things. You just have to make sure you’re paying attention.
Now to go find myself some more little things.

…and I found something too!

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