Utopia is not just a place, it is a built environment. While re-reading my sources, keeping this in mind, I began to interpret my sources a little differently. I began to understand that every detail of the community is supposed to work together in the…
In my primary sources, I get the sense of what people during the time thought Utopia meant. In looking at some Utopian leaders like Robert Owen and Frances Wright, it is clear that they understand a utopia as a place of equality and education. Their c…
I found that when reading the sources I have used in my research paper, there is a common pattern that stems from what I have learned about social utopia, past and present. For me, the most significant take away form this course has been that social ut…
I believe one of the most widely recognized problems of an attempted utopia like New Harmony was the tendency to invite everyone of all classes to join, then finding the harmonious union impossible. Although New Harmony was propagandized as a symbol fo…
“What are the hierarchies of information in my research. Other than chronologically, how can I organize your research and its claims in a logical way?”
For my research paper, I have multi-resources for my final paper. Majorly my resource is about t…
Each piece of information that I have come across in my research is equally as important as the next, for different reasons, and I think the way I plan on organizing the evidence makes sense as a way to argue my claim logically. Since I am making the c…
I feel that I have learned quite a bit after further researching Robert Owen’s New Harmony community. I originally wanted to focus my research on why New Harmony did not withstand the test of time, and why social utopian communities never seem to…
What intrigues me about Robert Owen’s New Harmony community is how and why it did not last. We have discussed many examples of utopias and where we have seen elements of utopia throughout history. We have only looked at conceptual ideas of utop…
I think an exceptionally important premise that has evolved from this course that studies utopias is that these perfect societies did/do not actually exist. We have analyzed readings and books and case studies, all about individuals striving to create …
How did this week’s research help me come to my final research question?
From the time I read the primary resource, I have strong interest in the education function that Owen using in his new community. As a finding father of kindergarten, Owen’…