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Student Posts, Page 4

Response Paper #8

Is Tristan realistic in creating a movement to make change in the labor industry?
I believe that Flora Tristan is naïve and uninformed as she tries to make change for the laborers. She hardly takes into account the way the proletariat will react to he…

Response Paper #7
Are people more inclined to move kibbutzim because they no longer exhibit the communal values that they were founded on?
Kibbutzim were originally founded based on two principals: zionism and socialism. The p…

Response Paper #6

How does Rousseau justify that man is best in his natural, uncivilized state?
Rousseau argues that man is best in his natural, uncivilized state. He argues this by comparing savage man to civilized man and revealing how many problems civilized man crea…

Response Paper #5

The exhibit source helps give the reader a more informed perspective on sixteenth century politics because it presents opposing viewpoints to everything that More critiques in society. This allows the reader a chance to understand whether of not More’s criticisms of society were valid. More believed that a utopia would be the way to solve […]

Response Paper #4

Hexter presents the first argument in the article and contends that More wrote about utopia from the perspective of someone “who was at the same time a deeply committed Christian and a social revolutionary” (3). He believed that More wrote the seco…

Scholarly Argument

It seems as though not much direct research has been done about New Odessa. I perused multiple scholarly engines and had no luck. One journal article I scrolled past was just an acknowledgement of how agricultural communities are challenging to researc…

RP4: Bradshaw’s More on Utopia Critique

In the article More on Utopia: The Historical Journal, the author Brendan Bradshaw presents an interesting twist on the way More’s utopia has always been viewed. He offers his view on J. H. Hexler’s interpretation of the classic utopian novel, whic…