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Portfolio, Page 3

RP1: My Utopia

When I think of a utopia, I think of a society in which member has their needs are met, in every sense. This is my basic definition, however, people should be able to have different wants and needs. A utopian society that crushes difference in the name…

Response Paper 5

By reading the source, Two Swords; Heresy and Just War, in which Thomas Moore defends the use of violence to fight against Heresy, we can better understand religion in Utopia.  First we gain a better understanding of the time period in which vi…

Response Paper 4

In his article about Thomas Moore’s Utopia, Brendan Bradshaw argues that Utopia was not created as they only solution for the problems recounted in book I, however, he offers the best possible solution for those problems, essentially something for so…

Response Paper 1

A Social Utopia
The basis of a utopian community would be the ability to work together and hold the needs of the entire community above the needs of individuals.  Since everyone contains a unique skill set, each member would be given a professi…