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William Saada

Final Self Evaluation

There are a few components of argumentative writing that I have learned and become more aware of throughout the semester.  First, is the complexities of most arguments which I tended to simplify.  In high school I would make a thesis and find a coupl…

Response Paper 1: Take 2

The Paradox of Utopia
Over the course of the class my idea of what a Utopia is has shifted more from a society where people work together and hold the needs of the entire community above the needs of individuals to simply being idea of hope that is dif…

Response Paper 3: Take 2

The Philosopher King makes Kallipolis a utopian society because he seeks true knowledge and he rules for the benefit of the city not himself.  A philosopher’s soul desires the truth above all else.  This enables him to be the best ruler for the hap…

Response Paper 8

In Flora Tristan’s Utopian Feminist, she recounts her travels to England: the great industrial power of the world.  Despite the tremendous wealth London has accumulated she is very quick to point out the corruption and inequality that result from th…

Response Paper 7

The Amish way of life is very different from the lives of modern and old societies: their lifestyle has its benefits and its downfalls.  From the outside looking in, it is difficult to understand why one would subject themselves to their historic way …

Response Paper 6

Rousseau challenges the idea presented by Hobbes in his book the Leviathan arguing that man is naturally aggressive only wiling to accept a “social contract” with a ruler solely for the purpose of survival.  In essence, Hobbes’ argument takes a …

Midterm Reflection

At the midway point in the semester I have developed a stronger understanding of my writing; what I do well and what I need to improve upon.  Each FYS class shares the common purpose of improving students writing and reading ability.  Therefore, we h…

Response Paper 5

By reading the source, Two Swords; Heresy and Just War, in which Thomas Moore defends the use of violence to fight against Heresy, we can better understand religion in Utopia.  First we gain a better understanding of the time period in which vi…

Response Paper 4

In his article about Thomas Moore’s Utopia, Brendan Bradshaw argues that Utopia was not created as they only solution for the problems recounted in book I, however, he offers the best possible solution for those problems, essentially something for so…

Response Paper 3

The Philosopher King
The Philosopher King makes Kallipolis a utopian society because he seeks true knowledge and rules for the benefit of the city rather than himself.  A philosopher’s soul desires to seek the truth above all else.  This ena…