Blackboard Maintenance Complete

Blackboard updates have been completed, and Blackboard is again available.

Blackboard Maintenance

Blackboard is unavailable from Friday, December 18, 10pm until Saturday morning at approximately 4am.  This outage is for a maintenance set of upgrades but will not result in new features or a change in the interface (so don’t worry).  Please direct any questions or concerns to .

Blackboard is back up

The Systems Administration team has corrected the “proxy error” that you were receiving when you attempted to click on your classes in Blackboard. You will now be able to access all of your course material in Blackboard. We’re very sorry for the inconvenience this has caused.

The enhanced features of Blackboard 9 are just around the corner!

With a planned upgrade to version 9 in the Summer of 2010, the UR community can expect many new features and an enhanced look and feel for their flagship course management system.  Some of the principle additions are; a new course homepage, easier access to course tools and rapid reorganization of the menus without using the “control panel”, new options for self and peer-assessment, and simplified creation and management of groups within a course.  Here is a sneak peak:

How do I hide student grades? An alternative

Back in July, I wrote a post on how to make students’ grades unavailable while you’re updating them. But what if you’d like students to see their scores for individual assignments, but hide the final grade column until after you’ve submitted your grades? Today, I present you with steps to hide an individual column in Grade Center from students.

In Grade Center, click the double-chevron symbol and select Modify Column.

Scroll down to Step 4, Options.

Select No next to Show this column in My Grades.


And there you have it. Students won’t see the weighted total (or the column you’d like hidden) until you change that radio button to a yes.

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