PDF Problems with Firefox 5 and Safari 5 on Macs

Recent versions of both Safari (ver 5) and Firefox (ver 5) for the Mac are unable to display PDF files when set to display in a subframe within the browser window (such as done in Blackboard content areas). The problem does not affect blackboard items where the PDF file appears as an ordinary attachment (such as in a wiki or discussion board).
Faculty: File items in a content area display as a page icon and the name of the file as a hyperlink. If you use such File items, please go to the content area where they appear, and for each one use its contextual menu (double chevrons) to edit it. Make sure that you set "Open in New Window: Yes" (the default is "no").  Without this fix, you and your students using Safari 5 or Firefox 5 will not be able to access PDFs correctly.


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  1. Kevin

    Fred: Can we make this a default option for Blackboard so we don’t have to do it manually each time?

  2. Dear fred,by uasing firefox or safari for mac are unable to display pdf file but this does not affect the blackboard area. can i use default option for this so that can’t do this manually each time.

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