Author Archives: edietric


For my project, I am going to create a quiz to see how your perception of time can change based on what you are experiencing.

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Debussy’s “Prelude to the Afternoon of a Faun” : Temporal Experience

The beginning of Debussy’s piece, “Prelude to the Afternoon of a Faun,” at the beginning, was very peaceful and sounded almost recognizable. However, then with the change of pace, the high pitched, sharp notes, makes me feel as if I … Continue reading

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When I was reading the Proust reading, I feel like I was able to understand it much easier than the other readings. One of the reasons is because the language was much more common. Another reason is because I think … Continue reading

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I was on Skype with one of my friends when I asked what he though of opera. He seemed to be caught off guard, granted this is an unusual question to ask someone, which I understood. He didn’t understand what … Continue reading

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My View of Comedy

Comedy, to me, is the good-humored joking around that will make someone laugh out loud. I do not find many tv shows or stupid humor movies funny such as : Step Brothers, How I Met Your Mother, or Tosh.O. I … Continue reading

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Time in India

I am going to use India for my research project. I want to do India because they have a different view on time than we do. They believe in something called P-time which means they focus on many things at … Continue reading

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autobiography of time

Time: The Past, The Present, and The Future             Each person perceives time differently, and as time passes each person can perceive the same event differently than the time before. Any moment of time is constantly changing from one millisecond … Continue reading

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i am doing Tippoo’s (Tipu’s Tiger)

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musical time

Musical time is very technical. A composer has to decide whether he wants to follow regular rules for creating a song or whether he wants to make up a new arrangement. Tempo is one choice that affects our perception of … Continue reading

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Test Post


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