What is this sweet sound?

The first soft rising notes remind me faintly of the phantom of the opera’s famous track. The settling of the track into a sweet melody is peaceful and relaxing, yet filled with energy. The music moves though me and not only calms me but rejuvenates me, gives me the energy to push on with my evening. As the track descends deeper it begins to muddle and darken, filling me with confusion and wonder. From the peaceful state I was in before I am transformed to a more hastened state, feeling as if my relaxation in over and that I must inquire and return to the rigors of a harsher world. Settling into the final moments quick transitions between a relaxed state and a hasty state occur, bringing together sounds which confuse but also intrigue me. I wonder where this peace will take me and how it will conclude. As its moment draws to a close the notes string out longer and form familiar patters of finality, easy deep notes. Then static. The piece is over and I have loved it again for what must be the tenth or eleventh time. The music is mystifyingly complex yet oddly simplistic in emotion; it is easy to read and comprehend while still leaving you to question what would follow. I guess in that sense it is good it is a prelude because at least then I have the comfort that there is more to the beauty and wonder which unfolded here, perhaps even an answer to the questions proposed.

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