Prelude to the Afternoon of a Faun Experience

When I listen to the Prelude to the Afternoon of a Faun, the first thought that pops into my head is how if I had the perfect relaxing, carefree day, I would want this to be my soundtrack.  The flow of the notes sooths me in a way that can only be described through picture because words would not do it justice.  After this initial thought, I listened to the song again and this time my thoughts wondered to what exactly would be in a day that apiece like this could be used to describe.  Visions of days in a meadow surrounded by nothing but trees and flowers came to mind.  Then I thought of the flow of a river as the music began to pick up tempo and imagined myself floating down it.  More scenes entered my head as the music continued to change with the final one being showing me laying down to a comfortable sleep.  Each vision was just as relaxing and  realistic as the last.  It is amazing to me how something as simple as this piece can make my mind race into so many different directions and make me feel so calm.  The wistful, almost fairytale-esque mood that the song brings about makes me want to be in each of the situations that I envision in my head and the more I continue to listen and think about them, the calmer I become.  This piece is so vivid, that the worst part of the whole experience is when you realize it is over and you are taken back to reality.

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