Experience of reading Proust

As told, I read the Proust article twice. The first time through was solely to become accustomed to the language and the second was for content. I read it the first time and only  seemed to pick up certain words and phrases. I remembered lots of color diction and dreamy phrases that seemed like a fiction story. The subject seemed to change quite rapidly as well much like a music video or a compilation of several consecutive dreams. I also took note of the many instances where the narrator fell asleep and woke up again in a different place. I had no real context initially to connect all these different excerpts of information because I merely skimmed the material, but that would change.

I found the second time reading the article to be much more interesting and thought provoking. I can closely relate to the first few pages because of an observation in my own personal experience. Every time I go to the beach, I have the exact same experience described by Proust of waking up and having no idea where I am. I’ve often thought about why this only happens to me at the beach and no where else. Almost every morning I wake up there, I have to spend a few seconds to remember where I am. It’s not an unpleasant feeling though; I just remain confused until I remember where I am or open my eyes. Then it’s a big relief.

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