Opera Convo

Over fall break, I went home to Fairfax, VA and I spent the weekend with my family.  My dad surprised me with tickets to a concert and I was super excited.  We got all dressed up and went to see an orchestra concert and after the concert, on the ride back home my parents and I started to talk about concerts we went to in the past.  We talked about seeing the Trans Siberian Orchestra and the Philharmonic orchestra and many other famous groups, but when the conversation started to die down, I brought up the topic of opera.  Though my family has gone to see many orchestra performances and ballet performances, but we only went to two opera concerts.  One, we went to when I was seven all I remember is that it was extremely boring, but a couple years ago, I went to another opera performance.  I don’t remember anything about this second performance either, but I remember I loved it.  My parents and I talked about how the music was fantastic and the costumes and the stage was incredible.  The conversation ended with a long discussion about how opera singers are able to project their voices throughout the whole theater.  Overall, I found that I liked opera a lot more than I thought I did.

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