The essence of comedy

The essence of comedy to me is similar to beauty. An old saying which says ” beauty is in the eyes of the beholder” goes hand in hand with comedy. When something is funny to a person it is because what ever happened, what said, or seen appealed to the beholder. Different people have different preferences as to what makes them laugh. What you or I think is funny may not be what others find funny. Pain and accidents seem to be a main source of the world’s laughter. Very few people are able to see a person trip and fall or hit their head and not smile or laugh. The reason why this is true is still unclear but we all do it. Also, when a person is embarrassed we laugh due to their embarrassment. There is really no clear reason why something is funny or considered comical because so many people have so many different opinions about what is funny and what is not.  The question of what makes something funny is not really a question with an explanation. Comedy is in the eyes of the beholder.

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