Response to Emily Dietricks’ essay Time: The Past, The Present, and The Future

I cannot agree any more to the point “my past is based upon my present” you made in your essay. It is true that there is special connection between the past and present. It can be said that they are in relation something like symbiosis. I mean, the past must hand down traces on present, and all the actions we take in present must be the results from what we had done in past. For example, my left ankle suffered from serious injury when I was five years old because my whole left foot was rolled into the speedily rotational wheel when I on my way to kindergarten. This horrible injury has past for almost fifteen years and I cannot remember how painful, frightened and desperate at that time, but only the scar on my ankle reminds me this accident. What I can remember is only the physical image but not the chemical feeling because the scar is the vestige came from the past to present and we can only retrospect the past according to concrete object. In the same way, “the past effects the present”. For instance, once I tasted a really sour peach in my elementary school, I thought all the peaches would be sour in that way without exception, and from then on, I hardly eat peaches again.

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