Graduating Senior – Ted Corl

Is it already that time of the year already? When the seniors graduate and move on to bigger and better things? I cannot believe it (I know, I know, I say this every year, but it is always true). Graduation is in just over a week and this year there are two remarkable...

A Mini-Review

When the editor-in-chief of a journal that you respect reaches out to invite you to write a mini-review article, I suppose you should say yes. I was enthusiastic because although there are A LOT of reviews on estrogen receptor ligands, I had never seen one on...

Cell Viability Assay

I currently work with T47D cells, which are cells that are used in breast cancer research. I am excited to work in this lab and make progress toward effective photoactivated chemotherapy because it is a non-invasive form of cancer treatment with few side effects....

Graduating Senior – Peace Nyeche

The last, but not least, of the Pollock lab research students graduating in 2022 is Peace Nyeche. Although it has been a little while since she worked in the lab (thank you, pandemic), she was such a force when she actively involved. She worked on the joint project...