The Human Brain on Cannabis

The first time I was exposed to cannabis I was ten years old and walking with my dad back to our car in a parking garage in downtown Richmond. As we walked into the garage I was greeted by a wall of an overwhelming smell, and I promptly blurted out loud that I hate...

Graduating Senior – Peace Nyeche

The last, but not least, of the Pollock lab research students graduating in 2022 is Peace Nyeche. Although it has been a little while since she worked in the lab (thank you, pandemic), she was such a force when she actively involved. She worked on the joint project...

Summer Research 2022

We are officially on day 3 of the summer research period! I have 4 remarkable students – Hannah, Auden, Briseily, and Sonia – who will be pushing back the frontiers of science alongside me this summer. It is a strange summer for me because it is the first...

Graduating Senior – Cathy Bayas

The next graduating senior is BMB major, Catherine (Cathy) Bayas. I was so proud that she was awarded the most outstanding BMB major this year at our awards ceremony. In my nomination of her for this award, I discussed how she worked on three projects throughout her...