Graduating Senior: Kristen Rubenstein

Kristen Rubenstein is a Biology major with a concentration in neuroscience graduating in May 2017. She joined the lab through a round about way. As a neuroscience concentration student, Kristen was looking to expand her research in Jonathan Dattlebaum’s lab to a...

Graduating Senior: Hyejin Park

Say hi to Hyejin Park (Hi Hyejin!). She is a Biochemistry and Molecular Biology major graduating in May 2017. She was the first student to take research with me for credit in Spring 2015 and has continued her work every summer and semester. She is a rock-star...

A new publication!

A new publication has come out from my postdoctoral work in the Katzenellenbogen lab. See PMID: 28194662 to read a story about androgen receptor ligands in triple negative breast cancer and the development of a new model system to evaluate the role of AR in TNBC. The...

Graduating Senior: Thanh Tran

<—– This is Thanh Tran. She is a Biochemistry and Molecular Biology major graduating in May 2017. She was one of the first members of the Pollock lab emailing me about research opportunities the summer before I came to campus. She worked in the lab...