Gottwald Games Summer 2018

7 years ago, Profs. Angie Hilliker and Carrie Wu of the biology department implemented the 1st annual Gottwald Games. This fun event consists of a variety of field games, all with a science-y twist. Games throughout the years have included Water Glove Toss, Petri Dish...

Goodbye to Kristen!

Friday was Kristen Rubenstein’s last day in the lab. She has been working full-time since last August as a post-baccalaureate researcher during her gap year before medical school. Back in January 2017 when I was writing the Jeffress grant, I approached Kristen,...

… and we have two peaks!

When Joseph first started in the lab in Summer 2017, I tasked him with analyzing the compounds that Hyejin had synthesized. I thought that HPLC was our best bet for getting the answers we wanted since Hyejin had some preliminary data, albeit not perfect, from the GC....