Say hi to Hyejin Park (Hi Hyejin!). She is a Biochemistry and Molecular Biology major graduating in May 2017. She was the first student to take research with me for credit in Spring 2015 and has continued her work every summer and semester. She is a rock-star synthetic chemist who can run a column, recrystallize a product, and analyze an NMR spectrum with the best of them. She is also very artistic– the little sketches of cartoon science brightening up our lab space are brought to you by Hyejin. Get to know her a little better:

Q1. Why did you decide to join the Pollock lab?

Hyejin: I decided to join the Pollock lab because I was always interested in cancer research. Dr. Pollock’s research sounded so interesting that I wanted to join her lab even before the lab was set up! 

Q2. What was your favorite part about your research experience?

Hyejin: The best part of my research experience was whenever the H NMR of the final compounds looked good – synthesis and purification takes several steps, so there is no better feeling than finding out that the final product is pure. Also, I loved working with my lab members for two summers. We would joke around in lab and share our failure/success of our experiments, which are memories I will not forget. 

Q3. What do you plan to do after graduation?

Hyejin: I am planning to pursue Duke University’s chemistry Ph. D program!! Experiences in the Pollock lab made me realize that I love research and that I want to continue learning and discovering new aspects of science. I am looking forward to start my new journey as a scientist at Duke!

Q3. As you reflect back on your time at University of Richmond, what advice would you give to an incoming student who was interested in your career path?

Hyejin: Be inquisitive – always ask questions and be eager to learn. Furthermore, I truly believe that science requires more than just standard procedures and rules and that science asks for patience, persistence, and creativity. (This is the best part of science)

Hyejin- I can’t wait to see what you do with your life. I know that you will enjoy being a part of the Duke Chemistry family (Go Blue Devils!). Keep working hard in grad school and anytime you need extra motivation, give me a call.
