<—– This is Thanh Tran. She is a Biochemistry and Molecular Biology major graduating in May 2017. She was one of the first members of the Pollock lab emailing me about research opportunities the summer before I came to campus. She worked in the lab during summer 2015 and has been juggling a load of classes in science AND business. Last week she gave her departmental seminar on a technique she pioneered in the lab. I asked her a few questions so that you could get to know her better and so that she could pass on her knowledge to the next generation of students:
Q1. Why did you decide to join the Pollock lab?
Thanh: I decided to join this particular lab for two reasons: 1. The research focus interested me, particularly breast cancer. It is invigorating that our research contributes to understanding a disease that affects many people daily. 2. Dr. Pollock’s lab combines the best of both worlds from biology and chemistry.
Q2. What was your favorite part about your research experience?
Thanh: My favorite parts include completing my first spot synthesis membrane after weeks of nerve-wracking work and Dr. Pollock’s cooking….she feeds her lab students very well.
Q3. What do you plan to do after graduation?
Thanh: I am going to work for a consulting organization within the Richmond area.
Q3. As you reflect back on your time at University of Richmond, what advice would you give to an incoming student who was interested in your career path?
Thanh: For consulting and many other career paths out there, your major does not necessarily define you. It is more important to prove that you have the ability to translate the skills you’ve gained over the years in any major into your work setting of choice. I’ve learned that the analytical skills that I’ve acquired from research and my major have translated quite well over to my career of choice.
Thanh- Congratulations! Continue to work hard and you will be successful. Thanks for sharing some of your time at UR with us in the Pollock lab.
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