Editor’s Note: Our Spider Sounds holiday music extravaganza continues today (you can check out part 1 here). We asked folks who work in the Parsons Music Library, Boatwright Memorial Library, and the Music Department to share some of their favorite music to listen to during the holiday season. Any holiday and all genres of music were fair game and we got quite a fun selection — so much so that we split everyone’s picks across two posts! Links will take you to either the library catalog or to other relevant information. Do you see any of your favorites on this list? If there are favorites or overlooked classics you’d like to add, please share them in the comments to this post! We at the Parsons Music Library wish you all a peaceful and enjoyable Winter Break.

A list of holiday favorites (familiar and otherwise) — part the second:
Cate Music Library Student Worker, Class of 2019
The Waitresses – “Christmas Wrapping”

Barenaked Ladies – Barenaked For the Holidays

Malorie Olivier Administrative Coordinator, Boatwright Memorial Library
Eartha Kitt – “Santa Baby”

Kasey Music Library Student Worker, Class of 2017
Paul McCartney – “Wonderful Christmastime”

Elvis Presley – “Blue Christmas”

James Music Library Student Worker, Class of 2017
“Pie Jesu” from Andrew Lloyd Webber‘s Requiem

Joanna Love Adjunct Professor of Music
Mariah Carey – “All I Want For Christmas Is You”

Gayla Peevey – “I Want A Hippopotamus For Christmas”

Susie Music Library Student Worker, Class of 2019
Bernice Johnson Reagon – “Seven Principles”

Wesley Whatley – “Habari Gani (What’s The News?)”

Sally Albrecht – “Light the Kinara for Kwanzaa”

Iria Jones Operations Manager, Boatwright Memorial Library
“Carol of the Bells”

Samantha Guss Social Sciences Librarian, Boatwright Memorial Library
Evie – “Come On Ring Those Bells”

Ray Charles – “That Spirit of Christmas”

Alexandra Music Library Student Worker, Class of 2017
Band Aid – “Do They Know It’s Christmas?”

Colette Music Library Student Worker, Class of 2017
Vince Guaraldi – A Charlie Brown Christmas

Jennifer Cable Professor of Music & Coordinator of Voice Studies, Music Department
Leroy Anderson – “Sleigh Ride”

We’ve shared lots of holiday music in the past couple of posts. What are some of your favorites? Let us know in the comments on this post (or the first post in the series). Some of the selections shared stream on UR’s audio subscription services and some are available as CDs. Stop by the Parsons Music Library to pick up some holiday tunes for listening — or even some scores and do some music making of your own this season!