Arachnophonia: Music and Manipulation

Editor’s note: Arachnophonia (“Arachno” = spider / “-phonia” = sound) is a regular feature on our blog where members of the UR community can share their thoughts about resources from the Parsons Music Library‘s collection.

All links included in these posts will take you to either the library catalog record for the item in question or to additional relevant information from around the web.

Today’s installment of Arachnophonia is by student manager Amy (class of 2025) is a special edition for Banned Books Week and features a book about the ways music is used as a tool for social influence. Thanks, Amy!

Music and Manipulation : On the Social Uses and Social Control of Music
edited by Steven Brown and Ulrik Volgsten

Music and Manipulation

Music and Manipulation, edited by Steven Brown and Ulrik Volgsten, delves into the complex ways in which music is employed as a tool for social influence and control. Through a collection of essays from various scholars, the book explores how music affects human behavior, shapes identities, and is used in contexts of power and manipulation.

The essays in this anthology investigate how music is used both to foster unity and to exert control, depending on the circumstances. For instance, one section of the book delves into the use of music in political propaganda, where governments and regimes leverage music to promote nationalistic sentiments and manipulate public opinion. This can be seen in examples ranging from national anthems to political campaigns, where music serves as a subtle yet powerful force to unite people under a common ideology.

The book also explores music’s role in advertising and commercial contexts, where it is utilized to shape consumer behavior and create emotional connections with products. This type of “manipulation” often goes unnoticed but is incredibly effective in influencing purchasing decisions and brand loyalty.

Another theme covered in Music and Manipulation is the therapeutic use of music. In contrast to the more coercive applications discussed earlier, music therapy is framed as a positive use of music to influence emotions and improve mental health. This section highlights how music can be used to heal and empower individuals, demonstrating its dual capacity for both control and liberation.

Religious and ceremonial uses of music are also examined, revealing how music shapes spiritual experiences and creates a sense of communal identity. In religious contexts, music often serves as a tool for guiding emotions and fostering a sense of unity among believers. The authors also explore how different cultures use music in rituals and ceremonies to reinforce social bonds and cultural values.

The book Music and Manipulation: On the Social Uses and Social Control of Music is available to check out at the Parsons Music Library!

Banned Books Week 2024

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