Marielle Dibbini: Assemblage

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In terms of looking at our society through a media lens, assemblage can describe the connection between technology and human beings. Media platforms, such as FaceBook, Instagram, Tik Tok, etc. are all virtual representations of this connection, since we are able to share our personal profiles online. Through the process of making a post, and then actually posting it, humans need many forms of technology, such as devices, internet, wifi, etc. The keyword assemblage allows us to think about the dependence humans have on technology as well as the complex nature of technology and media platforms. For instance, in class we were able to see how making a simple tweet incorporates many different concepts, or “a variety of heterogeneous elements,” (Wise, 16). Every form of media can be broken down into the parts that allow that specific platform to function properly and sufficiently. By breaking media platforms down, we are able to see their assemblage.   


Abby Bangs-Assemblage

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I think that assemblages are seen everywhere-such that an assemblage refers to a distinct relation between individuals and the material world. The material world may be described as different social media platforms/entities, however it can also exist as companies, different technologies (cars, pencils, etc.). Specifically, these relationships produce agency where without one component of the relation, the task (such as going on instagram,) cannot be completed. Assemblages lead to a cascade of pre-existing entities to help better understand the ‘assemblage’ between an individual and the material thing. Therefore, assemblages exist in assemblages due to the chain of history that is tied to the individual, as well as the material thing. In class, we are looking at tiktok as a means of assemblage due to its reciprocity and interactiveness with the user. To have tiktok as it exists today, there needs to be the corporation, funding, people who consume the media, people who publish media, people who promote the media, original thoughts and ideas, etc. Tiktok is an element of the assemblage between, in this case, the individual and the app tiktok. However I wonder if this assemblage will still exist once new media moves along and tiktok is no longer the prevalent, or most used apps amongst adolescent, or just people in general?


Assemblage: Gwen Savidge

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Assemblage within the media is when both technological aspects and human interactions create an action that is produced on a media platform. For example, as spoken about in class, a single tweet can be directed and broken down into its simplest concepts such as characters, a thought, a device, a profile, internet; to only list a few. There are several technological and human characteristics throughout the process of making a single tweet because every action has a sub-action that needs to occur prior to the bigger action. Another example that helps me to understand the concept further is making and posting a YouTube video. When creating a YouTube video, not only is a thought and idea required but a YouTube profile, will follower interactions, a router for the internet, a device to upload the video, a description about the film that might contain URLs, there is an endless opportunity to simplify the process. Overall, assemblage has put into perceptive how many aspects go into doing simple actions such as sending a single tweet. 

Assemblage- Caroline Rowe

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According to the reading assemblage is “the arrangement and organization of a variety of heterogenous elements” (16). Assemblage can be applied to a variety of aspects in media as most media has many working parts and elements to it. Assemblage also points out how these different elements have human and non-human parts. In my group we looked at the assemblage of the website Wikipedia. We were able to break down all the working parts that make Wikipedia operate efficiently. Some of these parts were the authors, having access to internet, a technological device, letters/symbols, etc. By breaking down what makes Wikipedia what it is, we were able to take a look at its assemblage and what aspects of that assemblage have agency. Agency plays a large role in assemblage as some parts of the equation have more power and pull than others. One of these parts that I thought had agency was the authors since they bring the knowledge and ideas to the website. Without the authors the website would have no content and therefore not exist. Assemblage is in media all around us and helps us to look at the different aspects of media.

Assemblage- Thomas Takele

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Assemblage is an assortment of things pieced together to create something else. The example that helped me best understand this was the exercise in class where we dissected the things needed to create a tweet. We pulled out any part we could think of like wifi, routers, characters, feedback systems, and many others. These all come together to form what is needed to make a tweet. We know these things are needed because if one part is lacking the experience we know as tweeting something out would not be the same. An error in assemblage can cause the domino effect to take place depending on what the error occurs in. The question in technology these days is whether to let technology fix these errors and give them the agency to do so or to have humans always checking through these aspects of technology so that the domino effect doesn’t occur. These errors are what occur when social media apps such as Instagram, Twitter, or Facebook go down and aren’t able to be used.

Assemblage- Bella Kjellen

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Assemblage, as stated in the reading, can be characterized as the arrangement and organization of a variety of heterogeneous elements and references the consideration of media as arrangements of humans and nonhumans. Assemblage, when laid out, illustrates the relationship of networks between media, users, and its components. When dissecting apart the components of media platforms, for example, we can see the relationship between each entity and the parts that make up social media as a whole. This can be done both literally or symbolically. For example, an online campaign on body image is formed by having a goal/concept, logo/phrase, image to be shared, a platform to post on, and a body of people to start the movement. Beyond this, technical components such as the internet, devices, bits and bytes, and so forth could be counted, but what too can be accounted for is the need for a style of image/content. The assemblage of like-minded posts/ photos, therefore, reflects the agency of the cause and those who participate in it and can be considered a component piece. Once an assemblage of components that make up this campaign is formulated, the intended effect is projected. Like agency, assemblages ultimately have meaning, and this meaning is unable to be expressed until the assemblage is complete. I think laying out the pieces of an assemblage is a good representation of the connection between agency and networks, which can strengthen causes once recognized.

Keyword #10: Assemblage

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Assemblage in media studies is the intersection of human and digital involvement in the production of knowledge through mediated platforms. In both physical and theoretical planes, assemblage represents the various aspects of media and how they are arranged and organized in order to create meaning. By dissecting human and nonhuman parts of a whole, we are able to see the roles each part plays in spreading and categorizing information so that we view it as a concrete “thing” such as a tweet, post, or meme. In my group, we took a printed book and categorized the various human and non-human components that allow us to understand the whole. For example, we saw letters and chapters as a collective and communicative entity that intends to shape information, whereas the page itself is a machinic and physical representation of those theoretical entities with the intention in spreading information. While all the components contribute and are a sliver of the whole, categorizing the categories presented by the media allows us to physically see the different roles of each assemblage. This keyword expands on our understanding of conjoined agency as each machinic and collective aspect of a mediated platform have different capabilities and levels of agency. 

Assemblage – Grace Brogan

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The text on assemblages provides a interesting lens towards dissecting the media that we frequently interact with.  Using this lens forces us to pick apart the individual pieces that come together to make a large “assemblage” or platform such as YouTube. On the Youtube platform there are many what the text calls “arrangements of humans and nonhumans” all of these individuals pieces and their interactions with each other make the YouTube platform what it is. These individual pieces of the YouTube assemblage include the many humans who make YouTube content, the respective audiences of these creators, the comment section, devices to access the platform, internet access, letters, words and more. While dissecting these pieces is interesting the text also points out that “Assemblages are not static structures” and that “it is not enough to dissect or map an assemblage’s elements. We must consider its capacities: what an assemblage can do”. One unique element of many social media platforms, Youtube included, is the capacity for interaction between the audience and the creators of media. In more traditional forms of media, such as television, this interaction did not exist in the same way as  it can now. Previous forms of audience-media producer interaction was usually do as direct, immediate or easily accessible. With platforms like YouTube an individual audience member can directly communicate with a media creator such as through the comment section. This in turn can impact the work produced by the media creator thus creating a type of mutualistic relationship that would not be possible without all the individual pieces of the assemblage working together.

Assemblage- Chloe Whelan

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As it is expressed in the text, “Assemblage” is characterised as an arrangement and organization of a variety of elements. These elements can be both tangible or abstract, though in media studies, the elements within an assemblage typically involve the material components of human and nonhuman entities in media. Assemblages are multidimensional, so to examine an assemblage means taking into account its components, the way that these components relate with one another, their arrangement, and the intention. A unique characteristic of an assemblage is that no matter how it is arranged, there is always intention behind the way it’s organised. Various social media platforms can serve as examples of assemblages. This is because they contain specific components that interact with one another in order to serve a purpose, and are arranged in a way that involves both human and nonhuman elements. Using instagram as an example, humans and nonhumans have agency in this assemblage. Elements of the app, such as likes, comments, and shares, are each components that involve human agency (humans like, comment, and share posts that they like or dislike). I would argue that the non human components of this assemblage have far more agency. Although humans make conscious choices in their interactions with specific content, the data collection that results from these interactions largely influences the future content that a user will see. In this example, this assemblage is organized with the intention of maximising user activity.

Week 12: November 9 & 11

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What’s Due Next?

This Week

  • Tuesday (today): Keyword Assemblage
  • ThursdayResponse post to “Assemblage”

Near Future

  • Next Tuesday: Reply comment to “Assemblage” post; read keyword Flow

What’s Coming Up?

  • Continue thinking about how you’ll use ArcGIS StoryMap to visualize the definition of a keyword of your choice from KMS and/or our class coverage

Tuesday, November 9

Assemblage Focus Areas

  • Immanence over transcendence
  • Multiplicity over individuality
  • Becoming over being

Relation to the the Material Turn

  • Recognition that humans and non-humans (material things) exert agency, or engage in mutual agential relations.
  • Focus on assemblage effects, not composition: what it can do and its relations with other effects
  • Focus on purpose and intention, not accidental collation
  • Subjectivity produced by assemblage, not assumed in its construction

Mapping Assemblages

Use the following method to unpack these potential assemblages:

  • Tweet
  • TikTok video
  • Website (entire site)
  • Printed book
  • Podcast
  • iFixit repair video


  1. Describe the distribution and circulation of activity or agency in terms of production and reception
  2. Identify contexts of production and reception, like networks, hardware, software, etc.
  3. Determine how the affordances (capacities for action) of these contexts enable activity
  4. Place the elements and activities of the assemblage in the appropriate location on the 4 dimensions of assemblage (shown below) by asking questions like the following:
    1. Does the element represent an assemblage of enunciation (signs and symbols of communication) or an assemblage of machinic materiality (physical entities or aspects)?
    2. Does the element tend to stabilize of consolidate agency, or does it tend to destabilize and fragment agency?

4 dimensions of assemblages (Wise, 2017)

Thursday, November 11

Continue work in groups from Tuesday

TikTok video

(entire site)

Printed book (preview unavailable)


iFixit repair video

Plot Dimensions in Google Images

  • Collaborate in your groups to place the elements of your assemblage as text objects in the Google Drawing using the group links above
  • Use the following design guidelines to help you illustrate your graph
    • If an element you place on the graph is itself an assemblage, use a color background and white text.
    • If the element is individual and not an assemblage, use colored text.
    • If the element could be either individual or an assemblage, combine color background and colored text, but be sure there’s adequate contrast between background and text colors.
    • Differentiate text sizes to show relative importance, significance, activity, or role in the assemblage.
    • Place the element in the quadrant or dimension in which they belong on your graph. Feel free to place elements on lines to demonstrate belongs in middle ground.

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