
Keyword Response and Reply Comment Rubric

Response Post15 Points
Fully addresses reading and illustrates keyword use in contemporary media or experience with example
12 Points
Mostly addresses reading, partially illustrates keyword use, or provides unclear example
10 Points
Misses some aspect of the assignment, or submitted but incomplete
Reply Comments10 Points
Two meaningful contributions added
7 Points
One meaningful contribution added, or both contributions lack excellence
5 Points
Reply is unclear, unrelated to original post, or lack meaningful contribution to conversation

Response Paper Rubric

Identifies Keywords25 Points
Fully defines & explains keyword and reason for selection
20 Points
Mostly defines & explains keyword and reason for selection
15 Points
Aspects of definition or explanation missing
10 Points
Inadequate or incomplete definition or explanation of keyword
Illustrates Keyword in Media50 Points
Clearly documents how the keyword concepts are engaged through media
40 Points
Mostly documents how keyword concepts are engages
30 Points
Aspects of documentation are missing or unclear
20 Points
Inadequate documentation
Uses Keyword as Lens25 Points
Clearly uses keyword as a critical lens to explain media
20 Points
Somewhat clearly uses keywords as critical lenses
15 Points
Obscurely or inadequately uses keyword as critical lens
10 Points
Poor, surface approach to critical lens
Writes Clearly & Effectively25 Points
Clear, concise prose is used throughout
20 Points
Some minor errors in clarity, style, and structure
15 Points
Some significant errors in parts of the paper
10 Points
Many significant errors throughout

Field Experience Report Rubric

Summary15 Points
Provides a complete summary of performance in own words
12 Points
Good summary of performance
10 Points
Some details missing in summary
8 Points
Incomplete, nonexistent summary OR summary far too long and detailed
Keyword15 Points
Clearly identifies keyword concepts or ideas
12 Points
Mostly clearly identifies keyword concepts or ideas
10 Points
Cursory identification of keyword concepts/ideas
8 Points
Missing or unclear keyword identification
Lens30 Points
Thoroughly illustrates how keyword concept or idea engaged
25 Points
Largely illustrates how keyword concepts/ideas are engaged
20 Points
Partially illustrations how keyword concept or idea engaged
15 Points
Incomplete or missing illustrations
Clarity15 Points
Clear, concise, and grammatically correct
12 Points
Minor lack of clarity
10 Points
Some lack of clarity
8 Points
Unclear or significant grammatical or mechanical errors

ArcGIS StoryMap Rubric

75 Points

Identifies and fully builds out a storymap of the selected keyword
60 Points

Identifies but lacks complete build out of keyword storymap
45 Points

Lacks clarity in identifying and/or building out storymap of the keyword
30 Points

Poorly or incompletely connects to keyword concepts or ideas
75 Points

Accurately depicts the storymap of the keyword without errors or misinterpretation
60 Points

Minor errors in interpretation or errors in presentation of keyword
45 Points

More significant errors in presentation of keyword
30 Points

Major errors in presentation of keyword
25 Points

Provides depth and breadth of creativity, integrating multiple complete media types
20 Points

Represents a creative approach, but lacks some thoroughness, breadth, or depth of creative integration
15 Points

Lacks creativity or breadth and depth of integration of multiple media, but completes media integration
10 Points

Incomplete media integration, incomplete depth or breadth; lacks creative approach
StoryMap Quality
25 Points

Takes full advantage of StoryMap medium, demonstrating technological and information literacy
20 Points

Mostly takes full advantage of StoryMap medium, although some issues may be present
15 Points

Incompletely takes advantage of medium, demonstration a minor lack of literacy
10 Points

Demonstrates little mastery or literacy