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Assemblage is the composition of different elements that all contribute to the success of a main goal. This can include the interaction between humans and non-human elements but it is usually a combination of both since most technology has to be operated under human surveillance. The social media assemblages that we talked about in class for example tiktok are good references for assemblages. There are so many elements that must be considered before one successfully uses the tik tok app. A combination of algorithms, users, coding, the devices and so many other elements have to co-exist before the app is used. It is not common to think about all these elements while using the app but the knowledge of assemblage helps one put the pieces together. 

1 thought on “Alvin-Assemblage

  1. Justin Windle

    Thinking about all media pieces as assemblages helps us understand all of the parts that go into the creation of that media, In class, my group looked at printed books. At first, only a few elements came to mind but as we continued thinking, we came up with more and more. These elements ranged from words, pages and binding, to letters and sentences, It was also interesting to see how each of these things played a different role in the book’s creation, and how some elements could be assemblages in their own right.

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