Lana Vjestica- Assemblage

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An assemblage is a collection of components that make up one thing. It can be categorized by the stabilization and the materials used to make an assemblage. For example, in order to make a Youtube video you need to have a multitude of things to make it. You first need an idea, then something to record on, lighting, device to edit it, the Youtube app/website, and much more. Although, this whole process wouldn’t be possible if it wasn’t for wifi. That in itself is an assemblage. It’s made up of so many different components that many people know nothing about. It’s similar to the keyword network. They both consist of being built of many things to have one result. However, the big difference between the two is that networks have a hierarchy and assemblages don’t. Assemblages need every component in order to get to the end result no matter how important some parts are than others. Even though lighting is a small part of a Youtube video, it still wouldn’t be the same without it.

2 thoughts on “Lana Vjestica- Assemblage

  1. Chloe Fandetti

    I agree with your definition of assemblage as a collection of components that make up one thing. I like your connection between the keywords network and assemblage and how they both are built up of many moving parts that have one result. In contrast to a network, the absence of a hierarchy in an assemblage is notable because all parts of an assemblage, no matter how important/powerful, are necessary for the end result to function properly. By identifying assemblages in our everyday lives, like Youtube, we can break them down into their many moving parts, rather than just viewing them as a whole entity.

  2. Siyi Zeng

    I like the way you compare the network with assemblage. I agree that assemblages need every component to get to the end result no matter how important some parts are than others. Assemblages are constructed by many different elements. lacking any one of them will affect its whole function. The network is more like a free mix of different small elements. Different components that get together will have different functions. But it is interesting to see both of them can show the relationship between humans and technology. Both of them are inseparable from human ideas and the development of technology.

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