Keyword #8: Network

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In simple terms, a network of people are those who form connections under a shared experience or interest that allows for the pooling of resources and information across different mediums. As technology advances and our understanding of the human condition evolves, this definition becomes more complex. Though a network itself is a flattened form of hierarchy where all members have various looser and stronger connections with others, differential relationships continually and inherently create systems of power that are carried out both advertently and subconsciously. Thus, power is derived from the organization of these values into structure. Further, this organization leads to the confirmation and spread of a particular belief or ideology. Sociologist Peter Berger coined this phenomenon the “sacred canopy” in which humans take shelter from their fears of the unknown by surrounding themselves with like-minded others who give the impression of universal acceptance and confirmation of beliefs (Sacred Alters). In organized religion, for instance, the more someone has connections to others who hold the same beliefs, the greater confidence one gains in the system and the more power is given to that same system. This, ultimately, generates greater authority for the network itself and manifests a structure of authority to gain more followers. 


Facciani, M., & Brashears, M. E. (2019). Sacred alters: The effects of ego network structure on religious and political beliefs. Socius: Sociological Research for a Dynamic World, 5, 237802311987382.

1 thought on “Keyword #8: Network

  1. Mary Clouse

    I think the example of organized religion as a network is a really interesting one. We often discuss how surrounding oneself with certain content on social media can create a bubble in which individuals only interact with like minded users, but this same sort of ideological reinforcement can also occur outside of a virtual setting. You also mentioned the way this goes on to strengthen power structures, which is another thing I found interesting. When you have so many people who collectively believe their ideas are right, this becomes difficult to challenge and potentially dangerous.

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