Technology- Lana Vjestica

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Technology is something that has been improving for years. We started off small and then eventually it became something that we use in our every day life. It is what has taken over so many of our every day items. I feel as though technology has made us humans so much more lazy. There are are refrigerators that have a screen outside of it that lets you look inside without actually opening the door. There’s Alexa’s & Google Home’s that turn on your lights and fans without you having to actually get up and pull the switch. As well as making us lazy, I think technology has also made us become more desensitized to serious topics. At least for Gen Z, we grew up in a world where we’re constantly listening to the news and hearing every bad thing that’s going on soon after it happens. We’ve become so used to seeing articles about Covid-19 or school shootings that we don’t even bat an eye anymore. Another example I like to use is 9/11. Again for Gen Z, we grew up learning about it at school and having to watch videos or see pictures from that day. At this point we don’t feel anything when we see the tragic media surrounding that day. We see it as something that is completely normal.

2 thoughts on “Technology- Lana Vjestica

  1. Mary Clouse

    I agree with the point you make about how technology desensitizes us to serious issues. We seem to be surrounded by technology and media that share tragic news constantly, making it almost necessary to block some things out and just move on. However, when certain technologies were first introduced, they were used to draw sympathy from the American people. The book “Mightier Than The Sword: How the News Media Have Shaped American History” explains how vitally important television news coverage of the Vietnam War was to show people just how devastating the war was and turn public opinion against the war effort. Technology has the power to grow awareness and passion for serious issues in the same way it desensitizes.

  2. Maria Isabella Kjellen

    I agree with your point that technology has made our modern society extremely lazy. I think that with all the new technological advances, we put a lot of our faith into technology and have slowly over time found reliance in its abilities. At this point, it feel that many people are now actively seeking out ways to create devices that will make life easier rather that for the greater good and welfare of our population. On another note however, I think that there are some benefits of new technology. 9/11 for example took our country by surprise and had us reevaluate our technology and security for travel. Since then, we have created a surplus of strong security devices that are not only reliable, but also have been working to make it more efficient for travelers. While technology has its negative effects, I can confidently say that it has also created a number of benefits society.

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