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Splotches and Stripes

Tiny splotches of lit grass curve around the left tree in a semicircle. The sunlight hits the top half of the tree …


There are six points of rainbow prisms on the right hand pews. Normally, there are just two and they are isolated to …

Creeping Shadow Line

Looking into the Modlin Courtyard from a bench outside of Jepson Theater 1:03 It’s a cloudy day so I think the sun …

Back and forth

Today is very bipolar. The sun is going in and out of the clouds today causing so much shadow on the trees, …


 We’ve reached a week where this assignment is frustrating to me. I have an exam and a paper due tomorrow as well …

The Power of Shadows

  It is a beautiful day. There are a few whispy white clouds in the light blue sky but none are impeding the …

Bleary Eyed Kind of Day

Looking into the Modlin Courtyard from a bench outside of Jepson Theater 1:03 The shadow that falls on the west side of …

Once Upon a Wednesday Dreary…

The chapel is dreary today. Ironically though, it is much more balanced than usual. Windows on both sides are reflecting blurry sections …

Whatever Wednesday

The sun is not very present today ther fore there are not many shadows coming through the trees. The clouds are darker …