Performance-Act 1

We were finally able to bring it all together and the Higher Achievement students were able to show their hard work. Although they did not have much time to prepare at the theater location due to some timing issues they still held it together and gave a great performance.

Once the students arrived we quickly started preparation. We were happily surprised that the girls were able to remember to bring their dresses which helped them look the part. They all had some sort of makeup done which helped them get into character more and feel excited about going up on stage. They all received their props and scrips, which they managed to keep track of. We also had some students missing who had big parts so we made last minute changes. Although we had to make these changes the students handled it very well and no one could tell that they hadn’t read those lines before.

Their overall performance went well. They read clearly and knew when to switch characters. There was only a little difficultly having the students come off and on the stage for certain parts of the act but they still did well with that aspect. The students didn’t seem nervous and handled the stage lights very well. After the play they did reasonably sitting in the audience but it was expected that they would struggle to sit still and watch the other acts go since they are young. They seemed to enjoy the play and being able to act out their part. It was a good experience for them to see older students acting as well so that they could see what they could do in the future. They even commented that they would miss us the next week since we would no longer be coming which indicates they enjoyed our time with them.

We felt overall that it was a successful presentation of act 1 and that it was beneficial to our students to be a part of the Jepson Project.