The Day of the Play!

The day of the play was very exciting! Higher Achievement ended up leaving a little later than expected. Me and Melissa were waiting outside the Webb for them to pull up when we saw their shuttle drive straight past us. About ten minutes later we saw their shuttle pull up again and I ran to get them. Kesha wanted me to get on the bus to show them where to park so I got on just to drive about 50 feet to meet Melissa. When I got on the bus the kids were really excited and they really liked my face paint which I think got them even more excited. When we got off the bus me and Melissa walked the group back up to Perkinson where Dr. Bezio did all of their face makeup. The girls all brought pretty fancy dresses to change into and were really excited to get their makeup done. The boys were also particularly excited to get their face makeup done. While the kids were pretty rambunctious and wouldn’t really listen to us before the play, once they got on stage they actually settled down a lot.

I believe we ended up having about nine students total, missing two that we expected to be there. We were able to arrange the characters in a way so the kids who wanted to speak more got the lines of those who were missing. Getting the children the appropriate props and getting them on stage went smoothly. Their performance was okay for their age and how much they had practiced. They tended to speak very monotone and stood in a straight line the whole time, reading off the paper. Some of them used a little bit of enthusiasm in their delivery, but most of the kids forgot everything we had taught them and didn’t really use an theatrics. I think a lot of them may have gotten stage fright. When they got off the stage they sat in the audience and behaved pretty well when watching the other Acts. Overall, I think Higher Achievement did pretty well.