Last Rehearsal Before the Main Event

We accomplished a lot in our last meeting with our actors. We went over when to be at the recital hall and where to park.  We also went through the act twice all the way through and it was our best run through yet! Everyone was present and we had a great time. We made sure we knew all of the props we are going to use were arranged and made final decisions on costumes.  We still do not know if we will have one of our actors tomorrow as his son is probably going to pass away in the next two days if he has not already.  I admire his strength and courage, he always has the most enthusiastic attitude about being there and he says he is doing this play “for himself.” I can’t wait to see all of our actors and actresses perform tomorrow and I hope that they will all be able to attend. Our group is prepared to help out the other acts if they have missing actors, by reading the parts.  We have a work day in class today and will be sending in our final script of our act, our cast list as it stands currently (though it may be subject to change) and our final list of props.  We wrote the 100 word summary of our act, that will appear in the program, last night and went over it with our OSHER participants.  I can’t wait to play moonshine tomorrow night!!!