Jepson Shakespeare Project Reflection

I am actually kind of sad that the Jepson Shakespeare Project is now over. Going off campus to Boushall middle school once a week was a breath of fresh air away from the college campus bubble. Even though at times it was extremely difficult to deal with the children and they would not always behave, they definitely showed enthusiasm for the project throughout the whole semester. I think we were most successful in teaching them about plays in general. For instance, I remember the first day many of the kids did not know what a play was or who William Shakespeare was. Now they understand both of these things, as well as some of the basic principles of theatrics. Since they were so young, it was harder to keep them focused on learning about William Shakespeare and the play itself because it was late at night and none of them really wanted to learn. While we tried our best to teach them both of these things, I am not sure how much of it actually stuck with them.

When reflecting on the day of the play I thought the whole day went pretty smoothly. Besides Higher Achievement being late, all the other groups seemed to get there on time and were prepared for their parts. It was really cool to see how different the Acts were. I thought the Act that was mostly just our classmates did really well!! I also liked the Act that played the music and I thought it brought a whole new set of vibes to the performance. I think Act 5 killed it with the acting and it was especially entertaining to watch.