
After last week’s sudden cancellation of rehearsal, Molly got into contact with Laura to figure out what happened. She told Molly that her husband was in the hospital and she didn’t know when she would be back to school, therefore Verenda would be updating us on future rehearsals and her status. By Monday morning (November 16th), we heard nothing from Verenda or Laura, so we figured that rehearsal was off. We didn’t want to call Laura and harass her about rehearsal if her husband was still in the hospital, because obviously the Shakespeare production is not as important as her husband’s health.

We updated Bezio about this in class, and discussed the possibility of joining with the Osher group from Act 5.

On that following Wednesday, I received an email from Bezio saying that Laura sent an email to Dr. Soderlund complaining that no one showed up to rehearsal and there were kids waiting after school (shockingly).  Long story short, there was some miscommunication between our group and the site that needed to be fixed.

By the end of the week, everything was sorted out. Rehearsal would definitely be back on the next Monday before Thanksgiving break.