Last week of rehearsals!!!

So today was our last day!! It was one of the few times that we had EVERYONE there!!! We figured out all the costumes, all the staging, and seating. A few characters are not 100% sure they will be there so we split their lines appropriately to other characters just in case. We also figured out when and where Thisbe should drop her mantel, run off the stage and come back on. We looked at the Royals and how they should be while the other characters are on stage. They now have glasses to clash together while in the audience (stage audience)

Tony also brought some music which was fun to have. I’m not exactly sure if we are intending on using it, but for the sake of the rehearsal, it was fun to have!

We finalized costumes and how to make Thisbe’s mantel stay on my head. We’re using a leaf crown to make it stay. Were also bringing a marker to put the lion’s blood on it. We also talked about directions for probably 15-20 minutes. They were very obsessed with the Richmond map and we were like “it’s not on the map!!”

Finally, we went through the whole thing, costumes and all and it was great! We did it twice upon Sheryl’s request. I will miss acting with them every week!