Last Visit-Act 1

We had our last visit with our Higher Achievement students before the performance. For this visit we were hoping to clean up the act and have the kids prepared for the final presentation on Friday. However, we had some difficulties but were able to be somewhat successful.

In order to ensure we are the best prepared we can we reviewed with the students their parts and were finally able to find out who would or would not be there this Friday. This caused some stress since we then had to change around some students and who their characters would be, but the students handled this well and we will be prepared to make last minute changes if need be. One of us may need to step in for one or two lines but it will not be for a major part.

We had them run through the entire act and they seem to understand the lines but will most likely not do much moving around but maybe the atmosphere will encourage them to show some more energy on stage. They are excited about their outfits and being able to dress up.

Come Friday we will see how they have progressed throughout the semester and if they feel they did a good job.