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I thought that the perspective of viewing leaders as humble or not was very interesting because it is not a trait that we have discussed too much in class. Citizens do not realize how big of an impact a leader with humility can make due to their respect of ordinary people, their institutions, and traditions in the country. Ruscio discusses Washington, Lincoln, and Kennedy who were all generally well liked. His point about how they took responsibility for their mistakes and did not get defensive was significant towards me. No one likes people who don’t admit when they are wrong, and the president should certainly be able to do it.

Ruscio’s statements about Trump were fascinating to me because I have never heard anyone hate on Trump for his lack of humility. While I do not pay a huge amount of attention to politics, it seems as if people focus more on how they don’t like what he is saying. It is possible that people do not realize how he doesn’t respect laws and political norms and has a resistance towards other authorities. To me it is very important for a leader to be confident, but have a high level of respect for others, be open to help, and admit when they are wrong. Trump definitely does a lot of bad things, but this is certainly an aspect of his leadership that makes people like him less.

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  1. Marisa Daugherty Marisa Daugherty

    I definitely agree about all the things a leader should be. It’s important for leaders to respect their followers and I really don’t believe that Trump does that. I don’t think that he has respect for anyone who isn’t as rich as he is. He does not have any humility. He really thinks that he is gods gift to the earth and everyone else around him is just there to serve him.

  2. Caleb Warde Caleb Warde

    it is intriguing to me on your point about Trump . personally for me most of the reason Trump loses respect in my eyes is because he has no humility, open mouth insert foot kinda stuff. now that not to say that he has other things he does not make me lose respect for him either. i just think its incorrect to say that people only see his actions as vile not his respect level for other world leaders, there is a lot of that happening in the diplomacy words.

  3. Lauren Stenson Lauren Stenson

    I definitely agree that this specific critique isn’t as common but it is just as important. Part of me believes that part of Trump’s support comes from the fact that he lacks so much humility. This might be empowering to some of his fan bases but it is certainly not related at all to servant leadership.

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