Excerpt from Richard McNemar’s “General Review” (July 1804)
“The jerking & barking exercises were astounding….”
“The jerking & barking exercises were astounding….”
“This work [the Kentucky Revival] continued until the year 1805, with various manifestations and opperations of outward power, such as the jerks, barks, singing, dancing, shouting, and the like….”
“The Religious excitement still continued followed with what was called the Jirks, (strong Spasmodic excitement) dancing & falling down Sermons at New Providence & the churches generally….”
“[T]o return to my narrative of the Revival, it now went on with a great increase of numbers, & extended far and wide. The falling exercise continued; also much severe jirking. There were many now converts added….”
“At 9 we eat breakfast & about 10 we went 3 Miles to Robert Tates a family of Jerkers. He is an elder of a Presbyterian society. 7 of his family have the Jerks with himself. 2 hours had conversations with several, & saw what was very wonderful….”