Newspaper Article from the Hudson, New York, Bee (November 6, 1804)
“It is asserted in some prints, that these assemblies have originated a disorder called the Jerks….”
“It is asserted in some prints, that these assemblies have originated a disorder called the Jerks….”
“In Greenbriar, the first subjects of these strange exercises were two firm and steady professors of religion, men of firm nervous systems…. These strange appearances have crossed the Allegany [Mountains] and seem to be progressing pretty fast eastward….”
“A wonderful nervous affection pervaded the [camp] meetings. Some would tremble as if terribly frightened, some would have violent twitching and jerking; others would fall down suddenly as if breathless and lie during hours…. Great disillusion followed.”
“I suppose there are but few individuals in the United States, who have not at least heard of the unparalleled blaze of enthusiastic religion which burst forth in the western country about the year 1800…. It was under these circumstances that some found themselves unable by voluntary efforts to suppress the contraction of their muscles….”
“I can never forget one Sabbath, standing on a floor to preach: Brother Christie, a pious and upright man, the class-leader, was standing close by me; and while we were repeating and singing the first hymn, he was taken with the jerks, knocked the hymn book out of my hand, and gave my unfortunate nose a hard rap….”