Excerpts from the Autobiography of Rev. James B. Finley (ca. 1808)

Excerpts from the Autobiography of Rev. James B. Finley (ca. 1808)

“These strange exercises that have excited so much wonder in the western country came in toward the last of the revival, and were, in the estimation of some of the more pious, the chaff of the work. Now it was that the humiliating and often disgusting exercises of dancing, laughing, jerking, barking like dogs, or howling like wolves, and rolling on the ground, manifested themselves….”

“History of the ‘Jirks’” in the New York Telescope (February 18, 1826)

“History of the ‘Jirks’” in the New York Telescope (February 18, 1826)

“I have frequently thought that a history of the singular exercises, called the “Jirks,” and other strange operations which affected the subjects of the great Kentucky Revival, would be interesting to my readers….”